Saturday, 19 July 2014

भुक्ति -मुक्ति दाता है पारद शिवलिंग


भुक्ति -मुक्ति दाता है पारद शिवलिंग

श्रावण में विभिन्न प्रकार के शिवलिंगों का पूजन और जलाभिषेक किया जाता है।   माना जाता है कि विशेष प्रकार के इन शिवलिंगों का अलग-अलग माहात्म्य और प्रभाव होता है। शिव साधकों द्वारा विशेष प्रयोजन को सिद्ध करने के लिए भी विभिन्न शिवलिंग बनाए और पूजे जाते हैं। लेकिन इसमें पारद शिवलिंग का विशेष महत्त्व बताया गया है। पारद शिवलिंग का पूजन सर्व कामप्रद, मोक्षप्रद, शिवस्वरूप बनाने वाला होता है। इसके पूजा गृह में रहने मात्र से ही सुयश, आजीविका में सफलता, सम्मान, पद -प्रतिष्ठा एवं लक्ष्मी का सतत आगमन होता है।  रुद्रसंहिता के अनुसार बाणासुर एवं रावण जैसे शिवभक्तों ने अपनी वांछित अभिलाषाओं को पारद शिवलिंग (रसलिंग) के पूजन के द्वारा ही प्राप्त किया एवं लंका को स्वर्णमयी बनाकर विश्व को चकित कर दिया। अध्यात्म में ऐसी अनेक अन्य क्रियाएं भी हैं किंतु उनका अब हमें ज्ञान नहीं। पारद पूर्ण जीवित धातु है इसके साथ सोना रख देने पर सोने को खा जाता है। सनातन धर्म के कितने ही महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथों में इस पारद शिवलिंग की महत्ता को पढ़ा जा सकता है।
गोध्नाश्चैव कृतघ्नाश्चैव वीरहा भ्रूणहापि वा
शरणागतघातीच मित्रविश्रम्भघातकः
दुष्टपापसमाचारी मातृपितृप्रहापिवा
अर्चनात रसलिङ्गेन् तक्तत्पापात प्रमुच्यते।
अर्थात् गौ का हत्यारा , कृतघ्न , वीरघाती, गर्भस्थ शिशु का हत्यारा, शरणागत का हत्यारा, मित्रघाती, विश्वासघाती, दुष्ट, पापी अथवा माता-पिता को मारने वाला भी यदि पारद शिवलिंग की पूजन करता है तो वह भी तुरंत सभी पापों से मुक्त हो जाता है।
रसर्णवतन्त्र -
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाख्या पुरुषार्थश्चतुर्विधाः।
सिद्ध्यन्ति नात्र सन्देहो रसराजप्रसादतः।।
अर्थात जो मनुष्य पारद शिवलिंग की एक बार भी पूजन कर लेता है। उसे इस जीवन में ही धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष इन चारों प्रकार के पुरुषार्थो की प्राप्ति हो जाती है। इसमें संदेह करने का लेशमात्र भी कारण नहीं है।
सर्वदर्शन संग्रह-
अभ्रकं तव बीजं तु मम बीजं तु पारदः।
बद्धो पारद्लिङ्गोयं मृत्युदारिद्रयनाशनम्।।
स्वयं भगवान शिवशंकर भगवती पार्वती से कहते हैं कि अभ्रक आपका का स्वरूप है और पारद मेरा स्वरूप है। पारद को ठोस करके तथा लिंगाकार स्वरुप देकर जो पूजन करता है उसे जीवन में मृत्यु भय व्याप्त नहीं होता और किसी भी हालत में उसके घर दरिद्रता नहीं रहती।

सावन महीने का शिवकर्म है जलाभिषेक


सावन महीने का शिवकर्म है जलाभिषेक

एक लोटे जल से प्रसन्न होने की घटना शिव के संदर्भों में ही संभव है। शिव को प्रसन्न करने के लिए न तो  किसी महाआयोजन की जरूरत होती है और न ही बहुमूल्य पदार्थों की। यदि भक्त का हृदय रससिक्त है तो भोलभंडारी जल-धार और बिल्वपत्र से ही प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं…
सावन के महीने में प्रकृति, पृथ्वी का जलाभिषेक करती है और उसे हरियाली की चादर में लपेट देती है। यह महीना देवादिदेव महादेव के जलाभिषेक का भी है। भोलेनाथ को प्रसन्न करने के लिए भक्तों द्वारा उनका जलाभिषेक किया जाता है। एक लोटे जल से प्रसन्न होने की घटना केवल शिव के संदर्भों में ही संभव है। शिव को प्रसन्न करने के लिए न तो किसी महाआयोजन की जरूरत होती है और न ही बहुमूल्य पदार्थाें की। यदि भक्त का हृदय रससिक्त है तो भोलेभंडारी जल-धार और बिल्वपत्र से ही प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं। वेद मंत्रों के साथ भगवान शिव को जलधारा अर्पित करने  से साधक स्वयं का कल्याण तो करता ही है, इसके साथ, वह पूरे संसार का भी कल्याण करता है। पांच तत्वों में जल तत्व बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। पुराणों में शिव के जलाभिषेक का बहुत महत्व बताया गया है। एक धार्मिक कथा के अनुसार समुद्र मंथन से निकले ‘हलाहल’ विष को पीने से भगवान शिव का पूरा शरीर गर्म हो गया। उनके गर्म शरीर को ठंडक पहुंचाने के लिए देवताओं ने उनका जलाभिषेक किया और बिल्व के पत्र तथा फल का भोग लगाया। जल और बिल्व दोनों में दाहनाशक गुण होता है, यह दोनों शरीर की गर्मी को दूर करते हैं। तभी से शिव के जलाभिषेक और बिल्वपत्र के अर्पण की प्रथा शुरू हुई।   जल से ही शिव का ताप दूर होता है और बदले में भगवान शिव अपने भक्त के ताप, संताप, रोग-शोक आदि को हर कर उसका कल्याण करते हैं। भगवान शिव की आराधना वैदिक आराधना है। भारत वर्ष में जितने भी शिवधाम हैं वहां वेद मंत्रों के साथ ही पूजा की जाती है। भगवान शिव को महादेव इसीलिए कहते हैं कि वह देव, दानव, यक्ष, किन्नर, नाग, मनुष्य, सभी द्वारा पूजित हैं। वस्तुतः भगवान शिव, कल्याण और समन्वय के देवता है।

Friday, 18 July 2014

Shrikhand Mahadev,2014


Glorious Pilgrimege to Shrikhand Mahadev

Shivraj sharma 9418081247
Chavinder sharma 9418131366
Chaman sharma 9816005456
Anni This Week
Shrikhand MahadevShrikhand Mahadev, one of the toughest pilgrimages in India, is known for Lord Shiva in Hindu Mythology. It also makes a thrilling and adventurous trek in Himachal. It takes you amidst the lavish and beautiful setup of mighty Himalayas to the top of the Shrikhand Mahadev peak at a height of 16900 feet above the sea level. This holy destination is situated in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Here, a huge rocks stand in the shape of ‘Shivling’. It is a magical moment as one reaches the top; it enchants the devotee with divine waves of emotions. Thrills and chills move you inside out, also as one can feel the effusion scenic of mountains all around. The tall standing pinnacles of rock here symbolize the lord Shiva and his glory in the form of the ‘Shivling’. June and July month are considered ideal for trek to Shrikhand Mahadev. However, on administrative basis, this year the pilgrimage started from July 15 to Luly 25. Pilgrims are taking up the arduous journey to the holy site before these dates on their own risk, but the journey without thorough knowledge and administrative orders could prove fatal due to heavy snow accumulated en route this year. Therefore it is advised that pilgrims should undergo a thorough medical check-up organized by local administration at Singhad base camp since July 15. Since the Shrikhand yatra is connected to belief and religion, therefore neither spread garbage en route and nor consume any alcoholic product.
Things to Know
Though it’s summer time, one should always be prepared to face untimely rain and even snow fall. In the peak pilgrimage time, it is very easy to find food, water and sleeping bags. Still it is advisable that you take your own sleeping bags and some of other daily need supplies with you, but at the same time try to keep your luggage very light. Do not over-pack, but make sure you carry water bottles, glucose sachets, warm clothing, rainwear, flashlights and dry fruits. This is a 35 km harsh track to trek and not meant for physically ill and weak hearted. The trek ascends through the alpine meadows to a 72 feet pinnacle of rock called Shivlinga. The yatra takes 10 days to complete and is organized by the Government of Himachal Pradesh. So, before you start your yatra, the registration becomes mandatory.
Journey Starts at Jaon and Singhad
The pilgrims start their yatra at village called Jaon village, 170 km from Shimla and 200 km from Kullu by car. Singhad, the base camp, reaches after trekking just 3 km, which is the last habitation. After this the point the trekking requires periodic stops for taking rest and adaptation to the climate. One thoroughly enjoys the pilgrimage in the beautiful landscape of Kullu and the part of Himalayan range in this region. Alpine meadows take you through the exquisite experience to witness the most beautiful landscape of Himalaya. The whole experience is like an access to stairway to heaven.
Folklore Behind Shrikhand Mahadev
According to the folklore and the legends, there lived a demon called Bhasmasur. He preached and pleased Lord Shiva through hard penance. Lord Shiva responded to him and accorded him with a power and called it basma kangan. Now, Bhasmasur turn anything he touched into ashes. Bhasmasur, drenched in his ego and pride, thought of turning Lord Shiva into ash. Lord Shiva vanished into the cave and appeared on the mountain top, as he took help of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu transformed himself into a female enchanter, Mohini, and tricked Bhasmasur to touch his own head and turn burn himself with his own hands. Mountain top, where Lord Shiva stood is known as Shrikhand Mahade

Take a Pictorial Tour of History of Sirmaur


Take a Pictorial Tour of History of Sirmaur

Surat Pundir
Vijay WaliaIf history fascinates you and you wish a pictorial tour to the history of India and Sirmaur from the times of mughal rule, as how they committed atrocities upon Sikhs to the time when India was under British rule, then the house of Vijay Pal Walia in Ranital area of Nahan in Sirmaur district is an apt destination for you. Vijay has a vast collection of history in the form of ten pictorial albums and a box depicting coins prevalent in the past. His pictorial collection includes pictures of various rulers that ruled India including Sirmaur. Not only this, Vijay has a huge collection of coins, that have become history, but still everybody have a curiosity to have a glimpse of those old coins. He has collected numerous coins prevalent in past like aana, pai etc in addition to about three dozen notes with last three digits being 786. He has kept his this collection of coins in an attractive box. Vijay has spent more than seven lakh rupees for his unique collection of coins and pictures from history. Interestingly, Vijay now want to sell this unique collection if one gauges its proper cost.  Vijay told Himachal This Week that his hobby of collecting historical things has reached satisfaction level and now if he finds a person who can pay a deserved sum for this collection, then he will sell this unique collection. Vijay has compiled the history of Siramur as well, as he has vast collection of pictures including pictures of all the rulers that ruled the princely state (riyasat) Sirmaur, pictures of raj darbar during riyasat era, raaj tilak, diamond necklaces, various things of the palace, saahi darbar riding on an elephant, old palace, chougan ground, picture of historical swimming pool of Nahan and picture of slaughter of bulls during the riyasat era. Besides this, Vijay also has a collection of pictures depicting how Mughal rulers persecuted sikh community, how they and their kids were massacred and types of tortures Sikh community have undergone alive by the hands of Mughal rulers. It took a long period of ten years for Vijay to compile ten albums to cover the history of India and Sirmaur through pictures. And for this he contacted every that person who has an interest in history of India and Sirmaur as well. Vijay has also covered Jaipur royal family in an album. This collection includes pictures of Queen of Jaipur and daughter of Rajender Prakash, last ruler of Sirmaur riyasat, Padmini Devi and her family. Vijay also has pictures of hockey and cricket team of Sirmaur riyasat with founder of Himachal Dr. Y.S. Parmar. He also has an interesting and attractive collection of Queen of Britain and other rulers of British Empire. One never feels tired or boredom while taking a pictorial tour of Vijay’s collection, whether it is pictures of weapons during the riyasat era or the dress of a Havaldar during riyasat era embedded with gold buttons. His two daughters Kumal Walia and Siddharth Walia and daughter Shivani Walia feels proud on the unique collection of their father. Vijay told that the curiosity to know about the history of Sirmaur, as how it is established and what is its history has lead him to this unique collection. “My passion to know about the history of Sirmaur and India rose to such an extent that I spent my valuable ten years of life in this collection,” told Vijay Walia. He is quite sure that there will be hardly any other person In India that possesses such a collection of pictures of history about Sirmaur. “I will also stake claim in ‘Limca Book of Records’ for my unique collection, he added

Himachali Singers


Himachali Singers Downgraded

Chavinder sharma                        Cover Story
Himachali Singers DowngradedNearly thirty six district and state level melas and cultural festivals reflect rich cultural heritage and traditions of Himachal that are reflected through cultural programmes staged on these occasions. Himachal has numerous folk artists who have kept various art forms alive through their stage presentations across the state in different dialects spoken in Himachal. The state government has also been emphasising to preserve and conserve folk art forms. Steps also need to be taken to preserve folk music that is slowly vanishing. However, the organizing committees have over the years been neglecting Himachali artists while deciding their remuneration and time slot during such programmes. Another controversy has erupted as the organizing committee of Minjar Fair has priced Himachali singers’ much below their counterparts from Punjab and Bollywood. And that too through tender and auction process in which event organizers, middlemen acting on behalf of artists, played important role reportedly in downgrading the market value of Himachal’s established singers while over rating Punjabi and Bollywood singers. Knowledgeable persons of the field feel that it is high time that the state government constitutes a mela authority for organizing all such events by putting in a proper system, fixed norms and grading of artists so that Himachali singers also flourish at par with artists from other states of the country.
Meager Price for Locals in Minjar Mela
HimachalThisWeekThe open auction system adopted by the organizing committee of Minjar Mela regarding cultural programmes is snowballing into a controversy much to the chagrin of established Himachali singers. Himachal’s singers have been priced at a much lower rate as compared to Punjabi and Bollywood singers with playback singers Kumar Shanu fetching the highest price of Rs. 10.5 lakh and Debojit getting Rs. 2.9 lakh. Punjabi singer Satinder Sartaj was priced at Rs. 5.2 lakh whereas no Himachali singer could fetch a price of Rs. 1 lakh. In Himachali singers, Vickey Chauhan was priced at Rs. 80,000 and versatile Sanjiv Dixit getting abysmally low price of only Rs. 19,000 for their performance during forthcoming Minjar Mela. ADC Chamba Shubhkaran Singh says the list would be finalized keeping in view the lowest bid and auction of artists while keeping mela budget in mind.
Middlemen Controlling Prices
* No one contacted Himachali singers
* Apprehensions of over pricing of Punjabi and Bollywood singers
There are a large number of organizers who are dealing on behalf of Punjabi and Bollywood singers with organizing committees of different melas and cultural programmes being organized in Himachal. Surprisingly, these organizers never contacted established Himachali singers listed in auction of Minjar Mela before the process, revealed some of the Himachali singers to Himachal This Week. They said they would not perform during Minjar Mela at a price lower than their actual price even if they get an invitation. They allege that organizers were conniving to over price Punjabi and Bollywood singers with an objective to make a fast buck thus downgrading the market of established Himachali singers.
Every Singer Wants Stage
Knowledgeable persons feel that budding singers desperately want a stage to showcase their singing talents so that they get noticed. In the process even some good singers compromise on their price during such melas. It is another matter that their performances are washed through hurriedly during cultural programmes.
Need to Rank Artists
Most of the singers feel that the state government should evolve a method for ranking of Himachal’s artists, including singers based on their popularity. It would also bring in transparency besides enhancing the prices of artists periodically, they add.
Bollywood Singers Dominate Hiimchali Melas
Huge money is spent on inviting Bollywood artists to perform during cultural nights organized during world famous International Kullu Dussehra Festival. Last year also, Bollywood singers dominated the seven star nights organized during the festival with Mamta Sharma pocketing whopping sum of Rs. 17 lakh established Himachali singers were not paid more than Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 80,000. Less popular Himachali singers were given below Rs. 15,000 for performance during the festival. In 2012, Bollywood singer Kailash Kher was paid Rs. 12 lakh and Master Salim Rs. 6 lakh. Similarly Bollywood singer Sadhna Sargam and Himachal’s Nitin performed during Lavi Fair. In Mandi Shivratri and Sujanpur Holi festivals, Bollywood singers dominated the stage. In Mandi, the administration spent about Rs. 60 lakh to conduct the festival out of which Rs. 30 lakh were given to artists from other states as compared to Himachali artists who got much less.
Auction Price of Singers at Minjar Mela
Himachali Singers                           Auction Price
Vickey Chuahan                                   Rs, 80,000
Anuj Sharma                                       Rs. 70,000
Thakur Das Rathi                                 Rs. 65,000
Kuldip Sharma                                     Rs. 45,000
Sunil Kumar                                        Rs. 40,000
Geet Bhardwaj                                     Rs. 35,000
Suresh Chauhan                                   Rs. 32,000
Muskan                                              Rs. 29,000
Kritika                                               Rs. 28,000
Dheeraj Sharma                                   Rs. 25,000
Sunil Rana                                          Rs. 20,000
Sanjiv Dixit                                        Rs. 19, 000
Punjabi Singers                               Auction Price
Satinder Sartaj                                    Rs. 5.2 lakh
Amarinder Gill                                     Rs. 5 lakh
Nidhi Kohli                                         Rs. 3.5 lakh
Roshan Prince                                     Rs. 3.3 lakh
Bollywood Singers                           Auction Price
Kumar Shanu                                      Rs. 10.50 lakh
Kunal Ganjawala                                  Rs. 10.10 lakh
Nitin Mohan                                       Rs. 9 lakh
Tulsi Kumar                                        Rs. 5.80 lakh
Sadhna Sargam                                    Rs. 4.75 lakh
Debojit                                              Rs. 2.90 lakh
By Hamid Khan/ Chamba
Himachal’s Established Singers Say…
The organizing committees should contact Himachali singers directly rather than mediating through middlemen who are downgrading state’s established singers. Middlemen also indulge in quoting higher prices for Punjabi and Bollywood singers to make easy money. Grading of Himachal’s singers will make it easy for the administration
-Kuldip Sahrma
Vickey ChauhanHimachal’s singers are potentially talented at par with Punjabi and Bollywood singers. The administration should not buckle under political pressures while finalizing artists for any cultural programme. No one contacted me for performance during Minjar Mela. Prices should be finalized by through direct contact with singers
-Vickey Chauhan
RAHTI-10Himachal’s singers are also stars because they get equal response from the public at par with Punjabi and Bollywood singers. Folk songs would vanish if Himachali singers don’t sing folk. There should be a check on middlemen exploiting the situation. Some local singers also manipulate politically to get programmes
-Thakur Das Rathi
Sanjiv DixitHimachal’s singers are versatile as they can sing pahari, ghazals, naati, Punjabi and Bollywood songs whereas Bollywood singers can sing Hindi and Punjabi songs. If anybody has doubt, let there be a competition among Himachali, Punjabi and Bollywood singers. Surprisingly, the organizers give less money and time to Himachali singers

आनी श्रीखंड महादेव कैलाश यात्रा के पहले पड़ाव सिहंगाड में श्रीखंड सेवा मंडल


Shivraj sharma 9418081247

सिंहगाड में ‘बम-बम भोले’

newsआनी —  आनी श्रीखंड महादेव कैलाश यात्रा के पहले पड़ाव सिहंगाड में श्रीखंड सेवा मंडल द्वारा यात्रीयों के लिए हर दिन व रात्रि भजन संध्यां एंव विशाल शिव भंडारे का आयोजन किया गया। श्रीखंड सेवा मंडल के संचालक गोविंद शर्मा, सतीश कुमार,ने बताया कि यात्रा के प्रथम पडाव सिहंगाड में पिछले 20 सालों से श्रीखंड सेवा मंडल सभी श्रद्धालुओं के लिए हवन, पाठ, पूजा, आरती, पूजन, लंगर, ठहरने और भजन संध्या का प्रबंध कर रही है। इस साल भी प्रदेश के मशूहर भजन गायकों द्वारा हर रोज सैकडों श्रद्धालुओं के लिए बेहतरीन प्रस्तुति दे रहा हैं गुरुवार शाम भजन गायक गोपाल ने बम बम भोले बाबा,हम चले तेरे द्वरवार, राधा तुने बसंरी क्युं चुराई आदि भजनों से संध्या का आगाज किया। गायक बलदेव ने ए मालिक तेरे बंदे हम नेकी पर चले,ऐसे हो हमारे कर्म, राधा कृष्ण के सुंदर भजनों से पंडाल में बैठे सैकड़ों यात्रीयों को झुमाया। सेवा मंडल के संचालक गोविंद प्रसाद शर्मा ने शिव भक्तों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि सभी श्रद्धलु श्रीखंड यात्रा का पहला पड़ाव सिंहगाड में यात्री शिव भगवान की पूजा आराधना करते है यात्रीयों को पहाड़ पर चढ़ने के कुछ टिप्स दिए गए शर्मा ने कहा कि सिंहगाड से भराटीनाला होकर थाचडु में विश्राम करें जहां पर सेवा मंडल ने लंगर व ठहरने की व्यवस्था की है। इसके बाद कालीघाटी भीमतलाई कुनशा होकर भीमडवारी में आराम करें इस स्थान पर भी सेवा मंडल ने प्रबंध किए हैं। भीम डवारी से पार्वतीबाग और नैनसरोवर में पवित्र जल को पूजनकर आगे बढे़ भीमवही और श्रीखंड कैलाश तक आराम से पहुंचे।  प्रशासन की ओर से भी हर पड़ाव पर सुरक्षा एंव स्वास्थ्य सुविधा के पुख्ता इंतजाम किए गए हैं। श्रीखंड सेवा मंडल के प्रचारक भोलादत शर्मा ने कहा कि पिछले 20 सालों से श्रीखंड यात्रा में आने जाने वाले सभी यात्रियों को सेवा मंडल द्वारा पुरी सेविधा देने का प्रयास किया गया है यहां तक की यात्रा पूरी कर आने वाले सभी शिव भक्तों को प्रसाद एंव शिव भगवान के स्मृति चिन्ह निःशुल्क दिए जा रहें है।