AnniThis Week Team Cover Story
Women are competing with men in every field in the changing socio economic scenario. They have entered the areas which hitherto were considered appropriate only for men; be it serving in armed forces or working in multinational companies and others. Women have proved their mettle in every field and now they are increasingly fascinated towards driving vehicles. Reasons are many, including self dependency in mobility, enhanced spending power, saving time in busy schedule and others but women behind wheels is a common sight these days. They can be seen driving vehicles, especially young school students. Another factor encouraging women to learn driving is invention of newer technologies that makes driving easy and simple. Number of women driving different vehicles is on the rise in Himachal also not only in urban areas but in rural areas also because of better road connectivity available now.
Motivational Factors
* Driving is easy due to latest technologies
* Don’t want to be seen as laggards
* Becoming self reliant in mobility
* Better road connectivity even to villages
* Fascinated by attractive advertisements
* Saves time in increasingly busy lifestyle
Women Prefer Driving Light Vehicles
It has been observed that women in Himachal, especially young ladies prefer to drive light vehicles, two wheelers or four wheelers. They say that it is easy to handle such vehicles while driving on serpentine roads and are also cost effective because of better fuel efficiency.
1353 Women Drivers in Hamirpur
The craze for driving among women is rising in a bid to become self reliant as Hamirpur district has 1353 such license holders. Interestingly, traffic cops don’t face any problem from women drivers who drive vehicles while following traffic norms. Women aspiring to have driving license can be seen in medical test drives being organised in the district.
Rising Craze in Mandi
Mandi town is perhaps having maximum number of women drivers in Himachal as every year more than 200 of them are acquiring licenses after learning driving in the town alone. Sundernagar is another town where number of such drivers is increasing with most of them driving light two wheelers and four wheelers.
Increasing Women Drivers in Una
Women drivers are not lagging behind in Una district if their increasing number is any indication. They can be seen driving Moped, Scooty, scooter and bikes in addition to cars not only in urban areas but also in rural areas of the district. More than 2400 women hold driving license in Una sub division whereas their number is 452 in Amb and 34 in Bangana.
* I prefer driving a small compact car. Presently I am having Indica Vista but would prefer to drive Maruti Swift
-Dr. Mamta Bharwal, Una.
Flourishing Driving School
Nearly half a dozen driving schools are operational in Palampur area. Though women and young ladies face many problems in learning driving but fascination to drive scooty and car is increasing among them. With a number of reputed schools and university located in the town, it is a common sight to see those driving light two wheelers and four wheelers to reach their institutions.
* Driving is difficult due to increasing vehicular traffic but I drive my car nearly forty kilometer daily to reach my destination
-Manisha Katoch, Palampur
Five Percent Rise in Bilaspur
The number of women drivers is increasing by five percent every year in Bilaspur. However they prefer driving light two wheelers to their advantage in busy life style to save time. More than 150 women hold driving license in Bilaspur district.
* Learning driving is the need of the hour as it makes women more self reliant in changing society and busy life style
-Sakshi, Bilapsur
* Women should also change with the changing times and learning driving is a must in the present context
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