Friday, 28 February 2014

गौ रक्षा कौन करेगा

Chaman Sharma
कलयुग में लोग अपने घरो से पशुओ को आनी बाज़ार में छोड़ रहे है पुराने बस अड्डे पर शनिवार 1 मार्च के दिनका ताज़ा फोटो आप सभी फेसबुक दोस्तों के लिए
गौ माता अपने बछड़े को दूध पिलाते हुए
सोचो समझो जानो गौ माता कौन है
गौ रक्षा कौन करेगा
आज का नेता
आज का ठेकेदार
आज का सरकारी अधिकारी
आज का कर्मचारी
आज का आम आदमी
एस एम् एस करें 9816005456

Bita Huya Jivan Baldev Thakur


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]ckj ckj Mwc Mwc tkrh gSA

दूर करेगी हर समस्या शनि अमावस्या Chavinerd Sharma

दूर करेगी हर समस्या शनि अमावस्या

शनिदेव एक आदर्श दंडाधिकारी हैं। वह अच्छे के साथ बुरा नहीं करते और बुरे के साथ अच्छा नहीं करते। इसलिए शनिदेव से भयभीत होने के बजाय अपने आचरण और कर्मों को बेहतर बनाने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए। इसके अतिरिक्त शनि अमावस्या भी शनिदेव को प्रसन्न करने का एक बड़ा अवसर है…
ज्योतिष शास्त्र में शनि देव दंडाधिकारी के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित हैं। वह प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को उसके कर्मों के अनुसार फल देते हैं। वह शुभ कर्म करने वालों को शुभ फल देते हैं और केवल दुष्कर्मों में संलिप्त व्यक्ति को ही दंडित करते हैं, लेकिन आम जनमानस शनिदेव को एक निर्दयी और कठोर देवता के रूप में स्वीकार करता है। यह धारणा सच्चाई से कोसों दूर है। यदि कोई व्यक्ति अपने आचरण को शुद्ध रखता है और शुभ कर्मों का संपादन करता है तो उसके लिए शनिदेव सहृदय बन जाते हैं और उसका जीवन सुख और समृद्धि से भर देते हैं। शनिदेव एक आदर्श दंडाधिकारी हैं। वह अच्छे के साथ बुरा नहीं करते और बुरे के साथ अच्छा नहीं करते। इसलिए शनिदेव से भयभीत होने के बजाय अपने आचरण और कर्मों को बेहतर बनाने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए। इसके अतिरिक्त शनि अमावस्या भी शनिदेव को प्रसन्न करने का एक बड़ा अवसर है। शनि अमावस्या के दिन भगवान सूर्य देव के पुत्र शनिदेव की आराधना करने से समस्त मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण होती हैं। कालसर्प योग, ढैय्या तथा साढ़ेसाती सहित शनि संबंधी अनेक बाधाओं से मुक्ति पाने के लिए शनि अमावस्या एक दुर्लभ दिन व महत्त्वपूर्ण समय होता है। पौराणिक धर्म ग्रंथों और हिन्दू मान्यताओं में शनि अमावस्या की काफी महत्ता बतलाई गई है। इस दिन व्रत, उपवास और दान आदि करने का बड़ा पुण्य मिलता है। शनि देव महर्षि कश्यप के पुत्र सूर्य देव की संतान हैं। उनकी माता का नाम छाया है। उनके गुरु स्वयं भगवान शिव हैं और उनके मित्र हैं- काल भैरव, हनुमान, बुध और राहु। समस्त ग्रहों के मुख्य नियंत्रक हैं शनि देव। उन्हें ग्रहों के न्यायाधीश मंडल का प्रधान न्यायाधीश कहा जाता है। शनि देव के निर्णय के अनुसार ही सभी ग्रह मनुष्य को शुभ और अशुभ फल प्रदान करते हैं।
पितृदोष से मुक्ति
हिंदू धर्म में अमावस्या का विशेष महत्त्व है और अमावस्या यदि शनिवार के दिन पड़े तो इसका महत्त्व और भी अधिक बढ़ जाता है। शनिदेव को अमावस्या अधिक प्रिय है। उनकी कृपा का पात्र बनने के लिए शनि अमावस्या को सभी को विधिवत आराधना करनी चाहिए। भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार शनि अमावस्या शनि देव को अधिक प्रिय रहती है। शनि अमावस्या के दिन पितरों का श्राद्ध अवश्य करना चाहिए। जिन व्यक्तियों की कुंडली में पितृदोष या जो भी कोई पितृ दोष की पीड़ा को भोग रहे होते हैं, उन्हें इस दिन दान इत्यादि विशेष कर्म करने चाहिए। यदि पितरों का प्रकोप न हो तो भी इस दिन किया गया श्राद्ध आने वाले समय में मनुष्य को हर क्षेत्र में सफलता प्रदान करता है, क्योंकि शनि देव की अनुकंपा से पितरों का उद्धार बड़ी सहजता से हो जाता है।
पूजन विधि
शनि अमावस्या के दिन पवित्र नदी के जल से या नदी में स्नान कर शनिदेव का आवाहन और दर्शन करना चाहिए। शनि देव को नीले रंग के पुष्प, बिल्व वृक्ष के बिल्व पत्र, अक्षत अर्पण करें। भगवान शनिदेव को प्रसन्न करने हेतु शनि मंत्र ऊं शं शनैश्चराय नमः, अथवा ऊं प्रां प्रीं प्रौं शं शनैश्चराय नमः मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए। इस दिन सरसों के तेल, उड़द की दाल, काले तिल, कुलथी, गुड़ शनि यंत्र और शनि संबंधी समस्त पूजन सामग्री को शनिदेव पर अर्पित करना चाहिए और शनि देव का तैलाभिषेक करना चाहिए। शनि अमावस्या के दिन शनि चालीसा, हनुमान चालीसा या बजरंग बाण का पाठ अवश्य करना चाहिए।
शनि अमावस्या के दिन शनिदेव को प्रसन्न करके व्यक्ति शनि के कोप से अपना बचाव कर सकते हैं। पुराणों के अनुसार शनि अमावस्या के दिन शनिदेव को प्रसन्न करना बहुत आसान होता है। शनि अमावस्या के दिन शनि दोष की शांति बहुत ही सरलता कर सकते हैं। इस दिन महाराज दशरथ द्वारा लिखे गए शनि स्रोत का पाठ करके शनि की कोई भी वस्तु जैसे- काला तिल, लोहे की वस्तु, काला चना, कंबल, नीला फूल दान करने से शनि साल भर कष्टों से बचाए रखते हैं।
बाधा निवारक शनि मंत्र
सर्वबाधानिवारक शनि गायत्री मंत्र
ऊं भगभवाय विद्महे मृत्युरुपाय धीमहि, तन्नो शनिः प्रचोदयात।
प्रतिदिन श्रध्दानुसार शनि गायत्री का जाप करने से घर में सदैव मंगलमय वातावरण बना रहता है।
वैदिक शनि मंत्र
ऊं शन्नोदेवीरमिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये शंय्योरभस्रवन्तुनः।
यह शनि देव को प्रसन्न करने का सबसे पवित्र और अनुकूल मंत्र है। इसकी दो माला सुबह- शाम करने से शनि देव की भक्ति व प्रीति मिलती है। कष्ट निवारण शनि मंत्र नीलांबर-
शूलधरः किरीटी गृघ्रस्थितस्त्रसकरो धनुष्मान।
चर्तुभुजः सूर्यसुतः प्रशान्तः सदाऽस्तुं मह्यं वरंदोऽल्पगामी॥
इस मंत्र से अनावश्यक समस्याओं से छुटकारा मिलता है। प्रतिदिन एक माला सुबह- शाम करने से शत्रु चाह कर भी नुकसान नहीं पहुंचा पाएगा।
सुख-समृद्धि दायक शनि मंत्र-
कोणस्थरूपिंगलो वभ्रु कृष्णौ रौद्रान्त को यमः।
सौरिः शनैश्चरौ मंदः पिप्पलादेन संस्तुतः॥
इस शनि स्तुति का प्रातः काल पाठ करने से शनि जनित कष्ट नहीं व्यापते और सारा दिन सुख पूर्वक बीतता है।
शनि पत्नी नाम स्तुति-
ऊं शं शनैश्चराय नमः ध्वजनि धामिनी चैव कंकाली कलहप्रिया।
कंटकी कलही चाऽथ तुरंगी महिषी अजा॥ ऊं शं शनैश्चराय नमः
यह बहुत ही अद्भुत और रहस्यमय स्तुति है। यदि कारोबारी, पारिवारिक या शारीरिक समस्या हो, तब इस मंत्र का विधि विधान से जाप और अनुष्ठान किया जाए तो कष्ट कोसों दूर रहेंगे।

Chail the famous tourist place of Himachal,


Ramesh gudu Shimla

Effortlessly Beautiful Kali ka Tibba

Located at the top of the hill in Chail the famous tourist place of Himachal, Kali ka Tibba is a temple dedicated to goddess Kali. It is located at the top of the mountain Blossom, which has been named after the Rajmata’s Cottage. Chail at an altitude of 2,250 meters is at a higher altitude than Shimla which is 2,213 meters above sea level. Shimla and Kasauli can be seen from Chail. The place provides a beautiful view of the surrounding Shivalik Range and the Choor Chandni Peak. Furthermore, travelers can enjoy trekking to the temple, during which they can see rare species of animals. Chail Sanctuary, cricket ground, and the Gurudwara are the main spots in Chail. Kali ka Tibba is an ideal destination for those who are looking for a secluded destination away from tourist crowds. If you are not in for longer trek routes you can just wander off into the woods for a peaceful walk or do a more strenuous hike up the hillside here or visit Kali ka Tibba, a temple atop a small hill. Angling and horse riding is also very popular in near Kali ka Tibba. The best time to visit this place is in monsoons between August and November as the thick forest cover around the temple gets green and pretty.
Palace Hotel
Palace HotelThe luxuriously Chail Palace owned by Himachal Tourism. Beautifully set in sprawling 75 acres amid thick woods, this regal building built in 1891 offers spectacular views of the Choordhar Ranges and the distant planes. This palace is popularly known as the Rajgarh Palace. It is furnished with regal furnishing, which exhibits a touch of royal lifestyle.
Trek Routes
Chail has a many trek routes and hiking trails. Some of the easy trek routes from Chail are the Kandaghat-Chail, Chail-Rajgarh and Choor Chandni and Chail-Shimla via Junga. The trek routes provide scenic views of the hills and dales all through the way.
Gurudwara Sahib
Gurudwara SahibApproximately 200 meters from the main Chail bus station, Gurudwara Sahib was established at Chail in the year 1907. The Gurudwara was renovated by Chail Heritage Foundation, an NGO formed by ex-students of Chail Military School in 2007. The architecture of the Gurudwara resembles that of Goan churches. It comprises tower like structures, fitted in the flanking facades. The building is yellow in colour and has a beautiful, green lawn.
Sidh Baba Temple
Sidh Baba TempleSidh Baba ka Mandir is a popular religious landmark in Chail, located on the hill lying between Rajgarh and Pandhawa. According to legend, Maharaja Bhupinder Singh wanted to build his palace at this palace and had already started construction. However, even after repeated attempt, the construction could be completed. During this period, a saint appeared in his dream informing him that this is the site where he meditated and was buried underneath. The saint told him to stop the construction of his palace and instead, build a temple. Hence, the Maharaja built a temple to honour the saint and called it as the Sidh Baba Ka Mandir.
How to Reach Chail
By Train
Kandaghat, the nearest rail head from Chail, is connected to Kalka. It takes around three hours to reach Kandaghat from Kalka.
By Road
Frequent buses to Shimla are also available from Chandigarh and Ambala from where Chail is about 45 kms.
By Air
Shimla’s Jubbarhatti Airport, is nearly 23 km away from the heart of the city. The airport is connected to Delhi airport by daily flights.

‘Music is the medicine of soul’

Music Bands-6
Himachal This Week‘Music is the medicine of soul’. The traditional and folk music is still the favourite of many but rock and hip-hop is becoming popular among youth now-a-days. India continues to produce bands in various styles of rock music, from soft rock and roll and rock pop, to hard rock and metal. Himachal too has plenty of rock music followers providing impetus to the cropping of many rock bands. There are numerous popular bands promoting rock music in the state, including the popular Gogi Band, Solan, Moksh and Deathknell Band, Shimla beside others. Some newly formed music bands are also there including Faith, Pensive Black in Shimla and others. All the music bands-both new and old- have some surprisingly simple stories behind their journey in the rock music. Here are the stories behind some of the popular and budding music bands of Himachal. This week we are carrying out the journey of the band ‘Himalayan’.
Performances of Himalayan
The band has received appreciation in so many musical concerts, festivals in the state and outside too and has even participated in Divya Himachal’s events. With the continuous efforts the band is touching new heights and has made a place among the top bands of Himachal. The band is setting new standards in fusion and also producing so many vocalists who are getting offers to sing in Bollywood. Following are some musical programmes where the band has performed till now:
*   Many performances in the musical festivals in Himachal
*    Performed in almost all the festivals organised at Dharamshala including Summer Festival
*    Performance in the prestigious Holi festival in Palampur
*     Performance in Divya Himachal’s events like Himachal Ki Awaz, DHD and others
*    Manali Winter Carnival
*    Performed in many Tibetan functions at Mcleodgunj
*     The band has also performed in some educational institutes of Chandigarh
*    The upcoming album of the band is ‘Vaadiyan’ which will be released very soon
*   Sanjay RanaLead Guitarist/ Vocalist
*   Vishal Kumar Drummer
  Nirmal Goswami Congo & Tabla
*   Ashutosh Keyboard
  Sunny Kumar Bass Guitarist
*   Vikas, Sonam and Ankush Sharma Vocals (also participated in Himachal ki Awaz)
 Oldest Band of Himachal
The oldest established band of Himachal, Himalayan Band is a heavy metal/Classic rock and fusion band originated from the streets of Dharamshala in 2000. Way back then the trend of the bands had not emerged in the city even in the state and it was difficult to create a musical image among people and the band’s music form fusion increased difficulties further. But this band has done it and started a new trend in Himachal which is growing day by day in the state. While talking over phone the lead guitarist and vocalist of the band Sanjay Rana told Himachal This Week that because of the band members’ love for music, nature and hill state the band found Himalayan name most suitable. “Our musical journey had quite difficult notes with various problems proving obstacle like we had no studio, so we had to go to the lonely places where we could practice and compose music and sometimes these things led us to frustration. But we didn’t give up and slowly and gradually overcome all of our problems,” added Sanjay. Sanjay also told that he teaches music in Tanda Medical College twice a week. Himachal Ki Awaz fame Sonam Chaudhary and Vikas are also associated with the band. The band has also accompanied many celebrities who come into the state for their performances including Mohit Chauhan. Rana told that their band will definitely try to produce good music in future too.

International Shivratri Festival in Mandi


International Shivratri Festival in Mandi

S.D.Sharma Sundernagar
Himachal This WeekWith the arrival of ‘Kamrunag’, the local deity of Mandi, the Shivratri Fair has started in the Paddal Ground of Mandi with much fervour. Thousands of people came to the venue to view this spectacular ceremony. The famous Shivratri Fair is celebrated every year in Mandi with great dedication and passion and this time too it is a great attraction for the locals and tourists. Many contests will be organised this time too like previous years. Traditional music instrument playing contest (related to the local deities) will be held during the fair, in which localBajantaris will play the tunes and melodies by their traditional instruments. Bajantaris are fully prepared for the contest. This contest is basically connected to the Himachali deities (devi and devta). Apart from this, evening cultural programmes are the star attractions of the fair where artists of national and international fame regale the audience besides Himachal artists. In the dance contests, famous local dances Kami-Dhami-Natti and other traditional folk dances will also be performed. In view of the large number of gods and goddesses that are invited to the festival from its 81 temples, Mandi town has the title of ‘Varanasi of the Hills (Chotti Kashi)’. These deities are Dev Bithu Narayan, Dev Chunjwala Chanjanu, Dev Chamahu, andDev Chunjwala Rishi etc. The village gods are carried in palanquins or rathas (chariots by people) to Mandi on the day of Shivratri and Bajantaris play the local tunes and melodies with their local instruments. The palanquins of the deities are swayed to the drum beats and folk music to indicate their happiness after visiting the temples.  Notably, Shivratri is celebrated all over the country, but it has assumed a special significance in Mandi, the town of temples, where week-long celebrations are held amidst colourful festivities in keeping with the centuries old royal traditions of the ancient princely rulers of the erstwhile Mandi State when Shivratri used to be a great imperial celebration marked with religious fervour and gaiety

Deepa Wins Bronze in National PYKKA Games

Deepa Wins Bronze in National PYKKA Games

Chavinder Sharma
Himachal This WeekDeepa
 Thakur from Rampur has brought laurels to the state by winning a bronze medal in boxing in the National Level PYKKA Games held in Karnataka. Deepa Thakur is a student of Class X and studying in a Kinnu school. She was interested in boxing since her childhood and her D.P.E Durga Prasad helped her to pursue her interest. She has won many boxing competitions under his coaching.  Deepa has won several national and sate level boxing championships till now. She had won a gold medal in the state level boxing championship and participated in the national level championships for three times. She received a grand welcome in her school after winning boxing bronze medal in national PYKKA game

Shimla, The Queen of Hills, Cover Story Shivraj sharma


Summer Capital of the British

Queen of Hills Loses Sheen
Shivraj Sharma Chavinder Sharma                 (Cover Story)
Himachal This WeekShimla, The Queen of Hills, was declared the summer capital of India during the British era in 1864 because it was blessed with all the natural bounties, one can think of. Dwelling on a panoramic location, the hilly town has retained its colonial heritage though it is bulging with unprecedented expansion and population rise. Leaders of the Indian nationalist movement came to Shimla in 1946 for a crucial conference that paved the way to Independence. Many historic events took place over the past 150 years in Shimla that has nearly 300 historic buildings. However, the face of Shimla has changed after the independence with population rising to over 2 lakh, thousands of vehicles adding to traffic problems, pedestrian roads disappearing and thousands of concrete structures erected. Senior citizens feel that Shimla is not what it used to be during the colonial era. Shimla Municipal Corporation is also planning to organise yearlong celebrations Sesquicentennial anniversary to commemorate 150 years of declaration of summer capital.
Historic Happenings in Shimla
Himachal This Week*    Shimla became summer capital of India during the period of Viceroy Lord Lawrence in British regime
*    AO Hume initiated the idea of establishing Indian National Congress in Shimla
*     Remained centre of freedom fighters during freedom struggle
*      Mahatma Gandhi visited Shimla eight times during freedom struggle
*     Rabindranath Tagore visited Shimla in 1893
*     Captain Kennedy erected the first pucca house in 1822
*     Shimla has nearly 300 historical buildings
Shimla Agreement
India’s former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto signed famous Shimla Agreement on July 2, 1972 here. Shimla Conference between Indian National Congress and British government was held here in 1945.
Shimla Bulging with Unprecedented Expansion
Himachal This WeekShimla, Queen of Hills, was under Municipal Corporation during the British regime and many Britishers remained commissioner of this body to control the reins of the area. The municipal system is oldest here that controlled electricity, water, street lights and sewerage system. Even the municipal corporations earned revenue from the forests which were under its control. It used to carry out special campaigns in forests of Shimla and its surrounding areas. Conserving green belt was the main concern of the civic body. Presently, the control of forests has been vested with Forest Department. The British officers had deployed employees to keep the city neat and clean.
Ice Water
Himachal This WeekThere was a practice of collecting ice in different bawris to preserve it for a long duration. A couple of such bawris constructed in every ward of Shimla for the purpose are now on the verge of extinction. They can be helpful in summer months if rejuvenated properly.
Pedestrian Roads
There were no roads for vehicles in Shimla where horse carts were used. In addition, Indians were deployed for pulling rickshaws in Queen of Hills. One can still witness the old building of a rickshaw shed in the city that was constructed in 1943. Pedestrian roads prevalent presented a beautiful picture as these were covered by forests on both sides and old pictures of these roads still fascinate people. Pedestrian roads were used for many years after the independence. The remaining pedestrian roads are now in a dilapidated condition.
Famous Clubs
The United Services (US) Club is the oldest one in Shimla. The Britishers used to stay in the Railway Club that was constructed at a time when Kalka-Shimla rail line was being laid. Simla Club is centre of attraction for entertainment activities during evening hours.
Daily Washing of Roads
As Municipal Corporation controlled all systems, the major work was washing of roads daily with water before 8.00 am. Employees were deployed that used to wash roads by opening water hydrants located in at different parts of the city.
Increasing Number of Vehicles
Himachal This WeekTraffic is a big hazard in the town as number of vehicles has increased tremendously. Contrary to presence of a couple of vehicles during the British era, nearly 35,000 vehicles of all categories are now registered in Shimla that bears the pressure of 55,000 vehicles daily. Number of vehicles plying on city roads during tourist season touches nearly 1 lakh.
Increasing Concrete Structures
The Britishers had made Shimla as their summer capital in 1864. Population of the city meant for nearly 15,000 people has now crossed more than 2 lakh. As a result, concrete structures have come up in all parts of the city in the wake of increasing population pressure. Huge structures have been constructed razing hillocks and felling trees. The ongoing constructions with enhanced pace is a matter of concern as it affects weather conditions also. Earlier locals had exact idea of rainfall and snowfall but weather conditions have altered due to global warming impact.
Changing Face of Queen of Hills
Virbhadra Singh Shimla has expanded to the extent it could expand and there is no further scope of its expansion. Some of the government offices can be shifted out of the town. Many developmental schemes for the town have been completed and others are underway
-Virbhadra Singh Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh
Tikender Singh Panwar The Shimla Municipal Corporation will organise yearlong celebrations to commemorate Sesquicentennial anniversary of Shimla that  was declared as summer capital of India in 1864. A special NGO would be formed for the purpose
-Tikender Singh Panwar Deputy Mayor, Shimla Municipal Corporation 
R.L. ChauhanIncreasing concrete structures, shrinking forests and increasing number of vehicles are adding to pollution level. People can go to any extent to fulfill their wishes and Shimla is overburdened with population
R.L. Chauhan (73) Retired Officer, Shimla
Devi Ram Moral values have gone down. Earlier, Rs. 10 were enough for a family during the British regime but now people are in a mad race for money and other materialistic things 
-Devi Ram (83) Senior Citizen, Kasumpti
P.N. SharmaPeople are upset over the changes witnessed here after independence of the country. Locals and Britishers were particular about cleanliness and discipline but these traits are now missing
-P.N. Sharma Senior Citizen, Shimla
Sita Ram VermaEverything in Shimla has changed that has no place for honest people. As a result, I shifted to my native place in Theog 15 years ago after spending seven decades in the Queen of Hills
-Sita Ram Verma (83) Senior Citizen, Theog

Yuva mandal Camp gp shilli

Lkekftd tkx:drk esa ;qok eaMyksa dk vge ;ksxnku
Ikakp fnolh; dk;Z”kkyk esa ftyk ;qok lsok ,oa [ksy foHkkx ds leUo;d us xzkeh.kksa dks ckaVh fofHkUu tkudkjh

vkuh%& NfoUnz “kekZ ftyk ;qok lsok ,oa [ksy foHkkx dqYyw ds lkStU; ls vkuh [kaM dh iapk;r f”kUgh ds ;qod eaMy Hkou [knsM esa ikap fnolh; lekftd tkx:drk f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ]ftldh v/;{krk ftyk ;qok lsok ,oa [ksy foHkkx ds [kaM leUo;d jkts”k dqekj us dhAf”kfoj ds nkSjku xzkeh.kksa dks vke vkneh ds vf/kdkj o muds drZO; ds ckjs esa crk;k vkSj vkYek dEI;wVj f”k{k.k laLFkku vkuh ds funs”kd lq/khj dqekj us dEI;wVj ls tqMs gj igyw dh foLr`r tkudkjh ls voxr djk;k vkSj crk;k fd dEI;wVj esa izf”k{k.k izkIr dj ;qok fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa jkstxkj vkSj viuk Lojksxkj viuk ldrs gaSAleUo;d jkts”k dqekj us crk;k fd f”kfoj ds nkSjku gh iapk;r ds ek/;e ls [knsM xkao esa ty laxzg.k ds rgr fufeZr ty laxzg.k VSad o ikbZi ykbZu dk;Z esa ;qok eaMy [knsM ds Lo;a lsfo;ksa us fu%”kqUd :Ik ls viuh lsok,a nhAmUgksaus crk;k fd f”kfoj esa LFkkuh; iapk;r dh iz/kku xhrk nsoh us Hkh ;qokvksa rFkk xzkeh.kksa dks ljdkj )kjk iapk;rksa ds ek/;e ls pykbZ tkus okyh ;kstukvksa rFkk ;qok eaMyksa dh lekftd Hkkxhnkjh vkfn ds ckjs esa foLr`r tkudkjh iznku dh Af”kfoj ds nkSjku gh ;qok eaMy [knsM )kjk jaxkjax lkaLd`frd dk;Zdze Hkh is”k fd;k x;kAf”kfoj ds lekiu ij uksMy ;qok eaMy ds iz/kku nfyi lkxj us crk;k fd lkekftd tkx:drk esa ;qok eaMyksa dk vge ;ksxnku gS vkSj ljdkj dh ;kstukvksa o dY;k.kdkjh dk;Zdzeksa dks tu&tu  rd igqWapkus esa Hkh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSAmUgksaus ;qok eaMyksa ds Lo;a lsfo;ksa ls lkekftd xfrfof/k;ksa esa c<p<dj Hkkx ysus dk vkgoku fd;kAf”kfoj ds lekiu ftyk  ;qok lsok ,oa [ksy foHkkx ds [kaM leUo;d jkts”k dqekj]usg: ;qok dsUnz ds [kaM leUo;d fVadq “kekZ];qok eaMy [knsM ds iz/kku fd”kksjh yky]lfpo rkjk pan]efgyk eaMy [knsM o ;qok eaMy ds leLr lnL; mifLFkr FksA

Today News March 1

vkuh dh ikaPk iapk;rksa ds yksxksa us fn, dh jks”kuh ls euk;k f”kojk=h dk ioZ
“kqdzokj dks fotyh xqy gksus ls xzkeh.kksa dks >syuh iMh [kklh ijs”kkuh
24 ?kaVs ckn yksxksa ds gLr{ksi ds okn ogky gqbZ vkiwfrZ
vkuh%&”kqdzokj dks vkuh [kaM dh 32 [kaM iapk;rksa esa ls 27 iapk;rksa ds yksxksa us fo|qr jks”kuh dh pdkpkSa/k esa egkf”kojk=h dk ioZ tgka /kwe/kke ls euk;k ogha tyksMh {ks= dh ikap iapk;rksa esa oRrh xqy gksus ls yksxksa us ?kqi v/ksajs esa fn, dh jks”kuh esa ;g ioZ euk;kA xzke iapk;r [kukx ds iz/kku eaxr jke dkjnkj us crk;k fd mudk {ks= ,d rks oSls gh mapkbZ ij fLFkr gksus ls ;gka ds yksxks dks BaM ls opko ds fy, fo|qr dh vko”;drk vf/kd jgrh gS]ogha f”kojk+=h  dk ioZ  {ks= esa cMh /kwe/kke ls euk;k tkrk gS Atcfd ,sls ikou ekSds ij [kukx iapk;r esa fo|qr dh vkiwfrZ ckf/kr jgus ls yksxksa dh [kq”kh esa fo?u iM x;k Aiz/kku eaxr us crk;k fd gkykafd mUgksaus bl ckjs esa lEcfU/kr ykbZueSu ls Hkh lEidZ fd;k vkSj foHkkxk/;{k ls Hkh f”kdk;r djuh pkgh exj lHkh O;Lr FksAm/kj {ks= ds dkaxszl vuqlwfpr tkfr izdks’B ds v/;{k Hkkx pan lksuh]iz/kku csyh jke]vuwi Bkdqj]ekBw jke o xksih pan vkfn xzkeh.kksa us {ks= esa “kqdzokj ,d cts ls ckf/kr fo|qr vkiwfrZ dk fBdjk fo|qr foHkkx ds {ksf=; deZpkfj;ksa dh ykijokgh ds lj QksMk gSAmudk dguk gS fd jkrHkj fctyh xqy jgus ls xzkeh.k {ks= ds yksxksa dks f”kojk=h ioZ dh [kq”kh dks ekus esa [kklh ijs”kkuh dk lkeuk djuk iMkA xzkeh.kksa us crk;k fd muds gLr{ksi djus ij 24 ?kaVs ckn ikap xkaoksa esa fo|qr vkiwfrZ ogky gks ikbZAmUgksaus bl ykijokgh ds fy, nks’kh deZpkfj;ksa ds f[kykQ l[r dkjZokgh vey esa ykus dh mPpkf/kdfj;ksa ls tksjnkj ekax dh gSA ogha xzke iapk;r []dksfgyk]dekan] o y>sjh vkfn iapk;rksa ds ntZuksa xkao Hkh “kqdzokj dks fotyh xqy gksus ls va/ksjs esa Mwcs jgsAfotyh ckf/kr gksus ls yksxksa dks f”kojk=h ioZ dh [kq”kh esa tgka [kyy iMk ]ogha o’kkZ o oQZokjh ds dkj.k fcuk fctyh ds ?kqi va/ksjs esa BaM ls dkaiuk iMk AogjgkWy “kqdzokj dks vkuh [kaM dh ikapk iapk;rksa esa fo|qr vkiwfrZ okf/kr jgus ls yksxksa dks [kklh ijs”kkuh dk lkeuk iMk A
“ke”kj egknso eafnj esa f”ko dh efgek dk xq.kxku
f”kofyax ij p<k nks fDoaVy nw/k nagh
vkuh%& f”kojk=h dk egkioZ tgka “kqdzokj dks vkuh [kaM ds dbZ {ks=ksa esa /kwe/kke ls euk;k x;k ]ogha dbZ xkaoksa esa ;g ioZ “kfuokj dks ikjEifjd :Ik ls euk;k x;kA vkuh ds vjk/; nso “ke”kj egknso eafnj esa bl ioZ ij “kqdzokj dks gtkjksa J)kyqvksa us gktjh Hkjdj egknso ds n”kZu fd, vkSj ;gka LFkkfir f”kofyax ij yxHkx nks fDoaVy nw/k ngha p<k;kA HkksysukFk dks [kq”k djus ds fy, HkDrksa us f”kofyax ij foYo i=] o iktk vkfn dh ifRr;ka Hkh p<kbZ A”ke”kj egknso eafnj esa “kfuokj dks LFkkuh; xzkeh.kksa us f”ko”kadj ds lEeku esa eafnj ifjlj esa ,df=r gksdj izkphu tfr xhr xk, ]ftl ij efgyk,a o iq:’k eneLr gksdj f”koHkfDr esa yhu gksdj ukpsAeafnj desVh ds lfpo eLr jke us crk;k fd vkuh {ks= esa f”kojk=h dk ioZ vkt Hkh izkphu ijEijkvksa ds vuqlkj gh euk;k tkrk gSAmUgksaus crk;k “ke”kj xkao gj ?kj dh dgkuh ds rgr Hkh pquk x;k gS vkSj J)kyqvksa o lSykfu;ksa ds vkd’kZ.k o lqfo/kk ds fy, eafnj ifjlj o xkao dk lkSn;Zdj.k fd;k tk jgk gSA
rhu ekg ls ftyk eq[;ky; ls dVk vkuh okg; ljkt {ks=
yksxksa dks >syuh iM jgh [kklh ijs”kkuh
yksxksa dh ekax vkuh esa ,d lIrkg ds fy, cSBs ftyk/kh”k o vU; vf/kdkjh

vkuh%& ftyk dqYyw dk okg; ljkt {ks= uke ds vuq:Ik lp esa gh ftyk eq[;ky; ls dVk gksus ds dkj.k okg; gks x;k gSA  okg; ljkt lks”ky csYQs;j ,lksfl,”ku ftyk dqYyw ds v/;{k f”kojkt “kekZ us izSl dks tkjh ,d C;ku esa crk;k fd vkuh dqYyw lMd ekxZ ds e/; fLFkr tykMh njkZ ij fgeikr ds pyrs ftyk eq{;ky; dks tksMus okyk ;g ,dek= lMd ekxZ okguksa dh vkoktkgh ds fy, fiNys rhu ekg ls can iMk gS]ftlls vko”;d dk;ksZa ds fy, ftyk eq[;ky; dqYyw tkus okys foHkkxh; vf/kdkjh deZpkfj;ksa o vke yksxksa dks [kklh ijs”kkuh dk lkeuk djuk iM jgk gSA f”kojkt “kekZ dk dguk gS fd vkuh okg; ljkt Ms< yk[k dh vkoknh okyk {ks= gS]tgka ds yksxksa dk viuh dbZ leL;kvksa dks ysdj ftyk/kh”k o vU; dk;kZy;ksa esa vkuk tkuk yxk jgrk gS exj {ks= dk ;g nqHkkZX; gS fd ftyk eq[;ky; dks tkus okyk ,dek= lMd ekxZ oQZokjh ds dkj.k fiNys rhu ekg ls ;krk;kr ds fy, can iMk gSA mudk dguk gS fd ;g {ks= tyksMh j?kqiqj ls ysdj nqxZe o dfBu ianzgch”k rd QSyk gqvk gS]ftUgsa viuh leL;kvksa ds lek/kku o lqfo/kkvksa ds fy, fodV ifjfLFkvksa esa dbZ efguksa dk bartkj djuk iMrk gSA f”kojkt “kekZ us izns”k ds eq[;ea=h ohjHknz dk /;ku okg; ljkt {ks= dh bl leL;k dh vksj fnykrs gq, ekax dh gS fd okg; ljkt {ks= ds yksxksa dh lqfo/kk ds fy, tyksMh njkZ can gksus dh fodV ifjfLFkfr ds dkj.k ekg esa ,d lIrkg ds fy, vkuh mieaMy eq[;ky; ij ftyk/kh”k lfgr vU; vkykvf/kdkfj;ksa dks cSBkus dh ekax dh gSAogjgkWy vkuh dqYyw ok;k tyksMh njkZ lMd ekxZ fiNys rhu ekg ls can gksus ds dkj.k okg; ljkt {ks= ds yksxksa dks [kklh ijs”kkuh dk lkeuk djuk iM jgk gSA

Thursday, 27 February 2014

उत्तर भारत के प्रसिद्ध सिद्ध पीठ बाबा बालक नाथ का रोट आठ रुपए में मिलेगा।

Rakesh thakur hamirpur

आठ रुपए में मिलेगा बाबा जी का रोट

newsहमीरपुर —  उत्तर भारत के प्रसिद्ध सिद्ध पीठ बाबा बालक नाथ का रोट आठ रुपए में मिलेगा। प्रसाद की आड़ में रोट की बिक्री पर मची लुट पर अंकुश लगाते हुए मंदिर ट्रस्ट ने यह अहम फैसला लिया है। इसके तहत देशी घी रोट की 12 रुपए तथा सामान्य रोट की आठ रुपए दर निर्धारित की गई है। इससे अधिक दाम वसूलने वाले व्यापारी के खिलाफ मंदिर ट्रस्ट कानून कार्रवाई करेगा। बुधवार शाम को मंदिर ट्रस्ट की चैत्र मेले के आयोजन की समीक्षा के लिए बैठक संपन्न हुई। बैठक में और भी कई अहम फैसले लिए गए हैं। इसके तहत पवित्र गुफा दियोटसिद्ध में 14 मार्च से 13 अप्रैल तक वार्षिक मेलों के दौरान पूरे परिसर में 16 अतिरिक्त सीसीटीवी कैमरे स्थापित किए जाएंगे। इन सीसीटीवी कैमरों में श्रद्धालुओं की सुरक्षा के अलावा मंदिर के चढ़ावे पर तीसरी आंख की नजर रहेगी। चढ़ावे के प्रमुख स्थानों तथा प्रवेश द्वार पर मंदिर ट्रस्ट ने अतिरिक्त सीसीटीवी कैमरे लगाने का फैसला लिया है। इसके अलावा मेलों के दौरान कर्मचारियों को वॉकी टॉकी की सुविधा उपलब्ध करवाने का फैसला लिया गया है। उपायुक्त रोहन ठाकुर ने मेला प्रबंधों की समीक्षा की। बैठक में मुख्य संसदीय सचिव इंद्रदत्त लखन पाल बतौर मुख्यातिथि उपस्थित रहे। श्रद्धालुओं को बेहतर सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाने के साथ-साथ स्वच्छता का भी विशेष ध्यान रखने के दिशा-निर्देश अधिकारियों को दिए गए हैं। मेलों के दौरान श्रद्धालुओं के मार्ग दर्शन, खानपान, चिकित्सा परिवहन, पेयजल आपूर्ति तथा कानून व्यवस्था का विशेष प्रबंध किया जाएगा। मेले के दौरान मंदिर परिसर एवं बड़सर उपमंडल में हथियार लेकर चलने तथा सभी प्रकार के विस्फोटक पदार्थों पर भी प्रतिबंध रहेगा। इसके अतिरिक्त हिमाचल के बाहर से आने वाले श्रद्धालुओं द्वारा राज्य में प्रतिबंधित पोलिथीन लाने तथा कूड़ा-कर्कट फैलाने पर भी पूरी तरह प्रतिबंध लागू रहेगा। दोषियों के विरुद्ध नियमानुसार कार्रवाई की जाएगी। श्रद्धालुओं को जागरूक करने के लिए सूचना पटल स्थापित किए जाएंगे। पुलिस बैरियर से ऊपर जाने वाले सभी वाहनों को परमिट जारी किए जाएंगे। इन परमिट को वाहनों पर इस प्रकार प्रदर्शित करना होगा कि तैनात पुलिस कर्मियों को इन्हें चैक करने में किसी प्रकार की बाधा न आए और न ही यातायात अवरुद्ध हो।

संजना-महिला कल्याण मंडल सरवरी को विकासात्मक पुरस्कार

savitri thakur kullu  annithisweek

संजना-महिला कल्याण मंडल सरवरी को विकासात्मक पुरस्कार

himachal pradesh newsशिमला  —  महिलाओं के उत्थान में विशेष योगदान के लिए प्रदेश सरकार सोलन की संजना गोयल और महिला कल्याण मंडल सरवरी (कुल्लू) को महिला विकासात्मक पुरस्कार से नवाजेगी। अवार्ड चयन कमेटी ने अपनी अंतिम सूची में यही दो नाम फाइनल किए हैं, जिन्हें अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर सम्मानित किया जाएगा। संजना गोयल मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रॉफी से ग्रसित हैं, बावजूद इसके वह सामाजिक कार्यों में विशेष योगदान दे रही हैं और मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रॉफी से पीडि़तों के लिए भी बेहतर कार्य कर रही हैं। प्रदेश सरकार पहली बार महिला विकासात्मक पुरस्कार प्रदान कर रही है। इसके लिए 30 से भी अधिक नाम जिलाधीशों ने महिला एवं बाल विकास को भेजे थे, लेकिन विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में विशिष्ट सामाजिक कार्य को देखते हुए कमेटी ने संजना गोयल और महिला कल्याण मंडल सरवरी को पुरस्कार देने का निर्णय लिया है। कमेटी में प्रधान सचिव महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग पीसी कपूर, स्वास्थ्य सचिव, शिक्षा सचिव सहित निदेशक महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग शामिल हैं। पुरस्कार के तौर पर उन्हें 21 हजार नकद व मोमेंटो प्रदान किया जाएगा।
कल्याण मंडल सरवरी
1989 से महिला कल्याण मंडल सरवरी कार्य कर रहा है। जिसने महिला उत्थान के लिए विशेष योगदान दिया है। यही नहीं, सेल्फ हेल्प ग्रुप के माध्यम से 500 से अधिक महिलाओं को संस्था के साथ जोड़ा गया है। इसके अलावा जागरूकता कैंप के माध्यम से महिलाओं को जागरूक किया जा रहा है।
संजना गोयल की उपलब्धियां 
2004 में राष्ट्रपति एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम से नेशनल अवार्ड  2009 में रोटरी क्लब ने नवाजीं 2010 में सीएनएन-आईबीएन 7 से मिला अवार्ड  2011 में प्रदेश के नंबर वन मीडिया ग्रुप ‘दिव्य हिमाचल’ द्वारा सम्मानित 2011 में ही गुजरात सरकार से अवार्ड

जलोड़ी दर्रे को हर दिन दौडे़गी एचआरटीसी

Chavinder sharma  annithisweek

जलोड़ी दर्रे को हर दिन दौडे़गी एचआरटीसी

आनी — एसडीएम आनी नीरज गुप्ता ने पत्रकार वार्ता में बताया कि आउटर सिराज क्षेत्र की जनता को जलोडीपास में बर्फबारी से अवरुद्ध सड़क बहाल करने के सारे उपाए असफल हो रहे हैं। क्योंकि बार-बार बारिश व बर्फबारी हो रही है। एक माह से जोतपास सड़क यातायात के लिए बहाल नहीं हो पाया है, जिससे आनी निरमंड क्षेत्र की जनता को जिला मुख्यालय कुल्लू आने जाने के लिए परेशानी उठानी पड़ रही है। इस लिए प्रशासन ने आनी से हर रोज प्रात 10 बजे कंडुगाड, कमांद, चौहणी, खणाग, जलोडीपास के लिए विशेष बस चलाने का निर्णय लिया है, जिसके लिए प्रशासन ने हिमाचल पथ परविहन निगम कुल्लू से विशेष बस मांगी थी। एसडीएम ने कहा कि जिलाधीश कुल्लू के आदेशानुसार निगम की बस आनी पहुंच चुकी है। इस बस को हर दिन जलोडीपास तक चलाया जाएगा, जिससे खणी, कोहिला, लझेरी, कमांद, खणाग की जनता को अधिक लाभ मिलेगा। आनी को विशेष बस देने के लिए आउटर सिराज सोशल वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन कुल्लू ने सरकार व प्रशासन का आभार जताया है।

दूध-दही से नहाए गौरां के नाथ

Chavinder sharma  annithisweek

दूध-दही से नहाए गौरां के नाथ

आनी  — भारतीय हिंदू समाज का महाशिवरात्रि पर्व जिला कुल्लू के बाह्य सराज क्षेत्र आनी में भी बड़े हर्षोल्लास व धूमधाम से मनाया गया। पर्व पर गांव में लोगों ने अपने घरों की साफ-सफाई कर मंडप सजाया जहां देवी-देवताओं की प्रतिमा के सम्मुख अनाज के ढेर लगाए गए और मंडप के कोने में नींबू प्रजाति के कैमटू नामक फल से तैयार शिव व पार्वती स्वरूप शिवलिंग जिसे स्थानीय भाषा में सैंई कहा जाता है। को टांगा गया, जिसमें विल्ब पत्र, जौ की पत्तियां तथा सरसों के फूल जोड़े गए। मंडप के पास ही गृहणियों द्वारा तेल में बनाए पकवान रोट, बड़े, सनसे, पकैन, बकरु आदि सजाए। सायंकाल में इस मंडप के पास तेल का दीपक जलाया गया और घर में परिवार के प्रत्येक सदस्यों ने धूप व ज्योति जलाकर शिव पार्वती गणपति व अपने इष्ट देवता की पूजा-अर्चना व आरती कर देवताओं से परिवार की सुखशांति व स्मृद्धि की कामना की। पूजा अर्चना के बाद लोगों ने अपना-अपना व्रत खोलकर भोजन ग्रहण किया, हालांकि कई लोग इस दिन बकरे का मीट व भात आदि खाते हैं, मगर अधिकतर लोग सादा शाकाहारी भोजन ही ग्रहण करते हैं। भोजन से निवृत होने के बाद ग्रामीण हलकों में लोगों ने ढोलकी, चिमटा, कांसी आदि की थाप पर घर-घर में शिव-पार्वती, भगवान श्रीकृष्ण, भगवान श्रीराम व हनुमान आदि की लीलाओं को गाकर बखान किया, जिन्हें स्थानीय भाषा में जति अथवा आंचली कहा जाता है। जति को तीन चरणों में गाया जाता है, जिसमें प्रथम चरण में कृष्ण पद जिसके बोल हैं, कुण बीता चालअ बोला लंकालै बकिलि, जबकि द्वितीय चरण में नटाअक गाया जाता है, जिसके बोल हैं, ‘भोले शंभु जी मैं तेरे चरणा बंदु प्रभु जी’ इसी प्रकार तीसरे चरण को छैहुली के रूप में गाया जाता है, जिसके बोल हैं कदलू पाकै लाल भाऊआ मालगी रै कैड़े…। इन भजनों पर ग्रामीण मदमस्त होकर नाचते गाते हैं।

गाड़ागुशैणी में डिग्री कालेज की नींव

savitri thakur kullu  annithisweek

गाड़ागुशैणी में डिग्री कालेज की नींव

Kulluगाड़ागुशैणी — सांसद प्रतिभा सिंह ने गुरुवार को कुल्लू जिला के बंजार और मंडी जिला के सराज विधानसभा क्षेत्र की सीमा पर गाड़ागुशैणी में राजकीय डिग्री कालेज का शिलान्यास किया। इस अवसर पर खराब मौसम एवं भारी बर्फ बारी के बावजूद उमड़े भारी जनसमूह को संबोधित करते हुए प्रतिभा सिंह ने कहा कि इस कालेज के खुलने से दो जिलों की दूरदराज पंचायतों के हजारों विद्यार्थियों को उनके घर के पास ही उच्च शिक्षा की सुविधा मिलेगी। उन्होंने बताया कि इस कालेज के लिए लगभग 17.07 करोड़ रुपए का विस्तृत प्रारूप बनाया गया है, जिसके अंतर्गत आर्ट्स ब्लॉक, साइंस ब्लॉक तथा प्रशासनिक भवन का निर्माण किया जाएगा। सांसद ने कहा कि बंजार व सराज विधानसभा क्षेत्र के दुर्गम क्षेत्रों को प्राथमिकता के आधार पर सड़कों से जोड़ा जा रहा है। जिभी-गाड़ागुशैणी सड़क के सुदृढ़ीकरण के लिए नौ करोड़ रुपए, बाहू-बछूट सड़क को 1.62 करोड़, जिभी-सराज सड़क 2.55 करोड़ और खाबल-डिमरचाड़ी सड़क के लिए भी 3.41 करोड़ का प्रावधान किया गया है। उन्होंने बताया कि बंजार विस क्षेत्र में बेहतर पेयजल व सिंचाई सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाने के लिए भी कई योजनाएं कार्यान्वित की जा रही हैं। थाना-दोघरी पेयजल योजना के लिए दो करोड़, टील-बछूट उठाऊ सिंचाई योजना 81 लाख और जिभी-बलागाड़ पेयजल योजना के लिए एक करोड़ का प्रावधान किया गया है। प्रतिभा सिंह ने गांव चाहड़ी के सामुदायिक भवन के लिए अपनी सांसद निधि से दो लाख रुपए देने की भी घोषणा की तथा गाड़ागुशैणी से मंडी के लिए बस सेवा आरंभ करवाने का आश्वासन भी दिया। इससे पहले विधायक कर्ण सिंह ने सांसद का स्वागत किया। इस मौके पर बीडीसी उपाध्यक्ष किशन ठाकुर और सराज जोन कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष टीसी महंत ने भी अपने विचार रखे। इस अवसर पर कुल्लू के उपायुक्त राकेश कंवर, पीसीसी सदस्य राम सिंह मियां, सराज ब्लॉक कांग्रेस के संयोजक तेज सिंह, कांग्रेस के अन्य पदाधिकारी, लोक निर्माण विभाग के एसई ललित भूषण, उच्चतर शिक्षा उपनिदेशक जगदीश, अन्य विभागों के अधिकारी, पंचायतीराज संस्थाओं के प्रतिनिधि और अन्य गणमान्य लोग भी उपस्थित थे।

annithisweek media team ne trilokinath ka dora kiya

annithisweek मीडिया टीम ने त्रिलोकीनाथ लाहुल स्पीति का दौरा 

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आनी में आप पार्टी दिल्ली के मनीष सिसोदिया पत्रकारों से बात करते हुए

आनी में आप पार्टी दिल्ली के मनीष सिसोदिया पत्रकारों से बात करते हुए
हिमाचल में भी आम आदमी पार्टी सरकार बना सकती है
सभी तैयार रहे

Chamba himachal ki shaan






The constitution is unanimously adopted by the Outer Seraj Social Welfare Anni Association Kullu District Kullu H.P. on 22-09-2013 vide resolution of even date and it came into force with effect from the date of its adoption.


ARTICLE -2        JIRISDICTION                                                                       5
ARTICLE -3        HEAD OFFICE                                                                       5
ARTICLE -4        MEMBERSHIP                                                                       5
ARTICLE – 5       ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP                                          6
ARTICLE -6        ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP                                                      7
ARTICLE -7        CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP                                          9
ARTICLE -8        GENRAL MEETING                                                              11
ARTICLE -9        ROCEDURE AT A GENERAL MEETING                                     13
ARTICLE -10      EXECUTIVE BODY                                                              14
ARTICLE – 11     ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICE BEARERS                                     17
ARTICLE -12      ELECTION PROCESS AND PROCEDURE                          18
ARTICLE -13      MINUTES OF THE MEETING                                              22
ARTICLE -14      SOURE OF INCOME                                                             23
ARTICLE -15      AMENDMENTS                                                                     23


                   The need to have a written constitution had long been felt by almost all the members of The Outer Seraj Welfare Association Anni Kullu. The different Executive Bodies elected by the Association also experienced unforeseen difficulties in meeting varied situations arising in the conduct of the affairs of the Association in an orderly, smooth, open and effective manner was the need of the hour. It was in the background of this scenario that on the 22nd day of Sept. 2013. he Outer Seraj Welfare Association, Kullu in its General Body meeting held under the chairmanship of Mr. K.L. Sharma unanimously resolved that a committee be constituted for drafting the constitution of the Outer Seraj Welfare Association Anni Kullu. Such a Committee comprising of Mr. Dalip Singh Thakur, Mr. Subhash Thakur Advocates, Anni Kullu, was constituted in the same meeting. The said Committee submitted draft of the Constitution prepared by it, to The Outer Seraj Welfare Association Anni Kullu. After extensive discussion, this drat constitution is adopted unanimously by the Outer Seraj Welfare AssociationAnni Kullu on Sunday 22nd September 2013, vide its resolution of even date. This Constitution came into force with effect from the 22nd September 2013, the dated of its adoption by the Outer Seraj Welfare AssociationAnni  Kullu District Kullu H.P.

                   Objectives and functions of the association are to promote the Cultural, Educational, Social Health, and Environmental activities.

1 (a)  Cultural Activities : -

                   To create the cultural awareness among the new generation and to protect the prevailing traditional customary functions for this purpose to take the NGOs and panchayat in confidence and take help of them as well.

1 (b)  Educational Activities: -

                   To promote educational activities among the illiterate peoples of villages and poor children whose parents are unable to provide education to their children for this purpose to arrange fee and books for the poor children.

1 (c)   Social Activities : -

                   To crate awareness about the social evils among the peoples due to which the social development of the village or area is obstructed and take necessary steps towards these evils.

1 (d)  Health: -

                   To create awareness about the health among the people as well as among the new generation and give health education to the people most particularly on the AIDS, and to provide medicines to the peoples for this purpose to take help of the doctors on arrangement of camps in the remote area of the Seraj.



i.                   Contribution by members,
ii.                 Financial assistance from the State and Central Government.
iii.              Financial assistance by Donators and other organization.
iv.              The amount shall be utilized for the welfare of backward, down trodden and assistance to the poor student and medical assistance to the poor people. 


i.                   The Association may amend the Constitution or any part thereof by way of a special Resolution passed by majority of the members present and voting in a general meeting of the Association but such majority shall not be less than 60% of the members of the Association as entered in the Register who are eligible to caste their vote.

ii.                 The motion for amendment of the Constitution or any part thereof has to be moved by at least 10 members of the Association and the Executive Body shall cause such motion or a copy thereof to be displayed on the Notice Board and special General Meeting to consider the motion of amendment shall not take place unless a period of 30 days has expired between the date of such display on the Notice Board and the meeting.

1 (e)   Environmental Activities:

                   In this modern ear the most prominent need in the field of environment is to protect the environment from pollution. Save the forests from fire, smugglers and in this regard to do the plantation on the barren land and reward the activists for saving the forests or environment.

1 (f)   Generally to do all such things as may in the opinion of The Outer Seraj Welfare Association Kullu be of the benefits to the Association and its members.

1 (g)  To do all such things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

1 (h)  To make rules, Byelaws and regulations for proper and better management of the affairs of the association and to achieve, regulate, promote its objects.

2        JURISDICTION: -

                   The rules, regulations and objects of this constitution shall extend to the whole territory of District Kullu of Himachal Pradesh.

3        HEAD OFICE: -

                   The head office of the association shall be at Anni Kullu and Sub Office of the association will be at Anni and Nirmand.

4        MEMBERSHIP: -

4.1     Qualification:

                   Any person can be a member of the association  who agreed with the terms and objectives of the association.

4.2     Register: -

                   The Association will keep and maintain a register of members that shall include the full name, address, enrollment number of the concerned association and signatures.

4.3     Membership not Transferable : -

                   Membership of the Association is personal and is not transferable.

4.4     Duties of members: -

                   Subject to this constitution all members are bound to abide by the Rules and decisions made by the Association from time to time.

4.5              If a member damages and loses any property of the association, the members shall make good the loss to the satisfaction of the executive body of the association in case the value of such property falls below Rs. 2000/- and in case such value exceeds this amount to the satisfaction of the association.

4.6              The member shall further be liable to indemnify the Association as per the procedure laid down by this constitution unless the association waives such claim.


5.1     Admission Procedure: -

5.1 (a)         Every application for membership shall be in the form  prescribed and issued by the Association and shall be accompanied by registration fee Rs. 100/-

5.1 (b)         The executive body shall not admit a person as a member unless: -

i)                   It has obtained fro the person such undertaking as are required by any regulation made pursuant to this constitution.

ii)                He pays the registration fee of Rs. 100/- and annual membership fee of Rs. 100/-

5.2     A member remains a member until membership is terminated in accordance with this constitution.


6.1            Annual Membership Fee: -

6.1 (a)         The association shall set annual membership fees to be paid by the members.

6.1 (b)         Annual membership fees are payable in full annually in advance in respect of each membership of financial year on the first day of the membership financial year.


6.2 (I)                   Members whose annual membership fee or any other amount payable to the association is more than two months in arrears shall not be entitled to vote at any general meeting or in any election of the executive body of the association or be eligible to elected or nominate a member for election to the executive body.

6.2 (II)        If any member has failed to pay the annual membership fee or any other amount payable to the association for a period of two months after it became due, the General Secretary shall serve upon that member a notice signed by him requiring the member to pay the annual membership fee or other amount payable within 14 days of the date of notice.

6.2 (III)       The Secretary with the concurrence of the president may, on a request in writing being made by the defaulting member, extend the time for compliance with the notice pursuant to rule.

6.2 (IV)       For such time and on such conditions (if any) as the way may deem fit but such extension of time shall be limited to one month.


7.1     Resignation: -

7.1 (a)         Subject to this Constitution, a member may resign from membership by notice in writing to the Secretary.

7.1 (b)         Upon receipt of the resignation notice, the member’s name may be removed from the register by the Secretary shall record in the register that the removal of the member’s name was made at the request of the member, unless:

i.                   There are contemplated or pending proceedings against the member for misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct as envisaged under this Constitution or in case he is in arrears of annual membership fee or any other amount payable to the association.

ii.                 Any stipulation or condition made by the Association from time to time (whether before or after the date of the receipt of the resignation) is not satisfied, in that case the member’s name may only be removed from the register by a resolution of the Association.

iii.              The name of the member who dies shall be removed from the register and the Secretary shall record in the register that the member has died.
 7.2     Termination of the membership: -

7.2 (a)         Subject to the constitution, the association may at any time terminate the membership of a member, if the member:

i.                   Cease to qualify for admission to the membership of the association.

ii.                 Refuses or willfully neglects to comply with the provisions of the this constitution.

iii.              Engage in conduct which in the opinion of the association in unbecoming of the member of prejudicial to the association.

iv.              Fails to pay any debt/ annual membership fee due to the association for a period of three months after the due date for payment or after extended period under 5,2,3 expires.

v.                 The name of any person ceasing to be a member shall be removed from the register and a note containing reasons for such removal shall also be made against such an entry of removal.

7.3     Continuing obligation:

7.3 (a)         Termination of membership for any reason does not affect the liabilities and obligations of a member (whether they arise under this constitution or otherwise) existing at the date of termination or which arise or crystallize after that date out of or by reason of facts or circumstances occurring or a existence at of before that  date.

7.3 (b)         Without limiting the previous rules, termination of membership does not relive a member from any obligation to pay any membership fee payable on or before the date of termination.

7.3 (c)         In case the name of a member is removed from the register by reason  of beach of rule 7.2 (a) (i) supra, he shall to be readmitted unless he pays all the debt/ annual membership fee, the non/ payment of which had entailed his removal.


8.1     Calling General Meetings

a)                 The President and in his absence the Senior Vice President or at least five members of the association may call and requisition general meeting of the association specifying the agenda they propose for minimum gap between two successive general meetings shall not be more than three months.

b)                In relation to annual General Meeting:

i.                   An annual general meeting of the association shall be held each year in addition to the other general meetings and such general meeting shall be called by the president and in his absence the Senior Vice President or at least five members of the Association, and

ii.                 An annual general meeting of the Association must be held within one month after the end of the association’s financial year.

8.2     Notice of General Meetings: -

a)       Notice of a general meeting shall specify:

i.                   The date, time and place of the meeting.

ii.                 The general nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.


9.1     Chair of General Meeting

a)       General Meeting shall be chaired by:

i.                   The President of Association,

ii.                 If the President is not present within 15 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the meeting or is unable or unwilling to act, the Senior Vice President; or

iii.              If the President and Senior Vice President are absent or unwilling to act, the Junior Vice- President; or

iv.              If the President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice President are absent or unwilling to act, the senior most member of the Association with voting rights present in the meeting.

9.2     Voting at General Meetings

a)                 At a meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting is decided on a show of funds unless ballot is demanded before or on the declaration of result of the show of hands.

b)                If there is an equality of votes on a show of funds or on a ballot, the chair as a casting vote in addition to the chair’s deliberative votes as a member.

c)                 An objection to the qualification of a voter must be referred to the chair an decision thereon shall be given by the majority of the members of the Executive Body present in the meeting.


10.1       There shall be an executive body of the Association constituted as provide for in this Constitution and the term of such executive body shall be one year.

10.2       The Executive Body shall consist of the following office bearers:

i.                   Chief Patron,
ii.                 President,
iii.              Senior Vice President,
iv.              Vice President
v.                 General Secretary
vi.              Joint Secretary
vii.            Treasurer,
viii.         Office Secretary
ix.              Press Secretary,

 10.3   Executive Members:

          That 15 members of the association will be elected for the Executive Committee.

10.4   An office bearer may be removed from office by an ordinary Resolution of the Association provided that majority that passes such resolution is not less than 50% of the total numbers eligible to vote on the Register of the Association.

10.5       Duties and Powers of the Executive Body and of the Office bearers.

a.                 The Executive Body of the association shall have the duty and the power to execute all the resolutions passed and decision s made by the Association.

b.                 The President shall be in charge of all affairs of the Association and is  ex-officio member of all the committees and Delegations that may be constituted by the Association from time to time.

c.                  The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the Association as required. he shall prepare Annual Financial Report of the Association and hand it over to the President before the expiry of the first week of the election of the Executive Body so that it can be placed for the consideration of the Association at its Annual General Meeting.

 d.                 All the finds of the Association shall remain in the hands of the Treasurer, who shal keep a true and accurate record of all the money falling into his hands. The treasurer shall deposit and keep such money in the account of the Association in a well repute Bank but he may keep in this custody a sum not exceeding Rs. 3000/- (Rupees three thousand only) or such other amount as may be decided  by the Association from time to time in order to meet the routine expenses.

10.6   The Secretary Shall:

a.       Maintain the Register, by (but not limited to)

i.                   Entering the names of the new members, date of admission to membership, the business address and such other information as the Association may from time determine in relation to new members.

ii.                 Recording  the date on which a member’s membership ceases and reasons thereof.

b.                 Ensure that due notices are issued agendas prepared, accurate minutes kept of all meetings of the Association and of Committees and delegations.

c.                  Ensure the sending receipt and proper filing of all correspondence.

d.                 Maintain all registers and record of the Association.


11.1   Time of election:

                   The Executive Body of the Association  must be elected in last working day of September every year in accordance with this constitution.

11.2       Eligibility to vote at an election for the Executive Body.
A member is eligible to vote at an election for the Executive Body if such member:

a.                 Is not in arrears of such dues as are covered under 6.2 (a)

b.                 Is included in the list of the electors duly prepared by the Secretary and supplied to the Election Officer by the 20th day of September or on or before and a copy thereof duly signed by the Election Officer shall be put on the Notice board of the Association by the Secretary on the same day.


A)      Election Officer:

i.                   The Association shall appoint an election officer who shall be responsible for conducting elections to the executive body of the Association.

ii.                 The election process shall be initiated by the Election Officer in the month of 1st Week of June by the display of Election Schedule  a minimum period of 3 days shall be provided between the date of filing of nomination papers and the date of withdrawal thereof and a minimum period of 7 days shall be provided between the date of withdrawal and polling.

iii.              The Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Senior Vice President and president, in that order, shall be individually and collectively liable to provide the Election officer with the Electrol Roll containing the names of the members who are  entitled to participate and caste their vote in the elections and such Roll shall be so provided on or before 20th September

iv.              A nomination of a candidate for election must/

a.                 Be in the form issued by the Election Officer and accompanied by non/refundable nomination fee.

b.                 Be signed by not less than two other members eligible to vote at the election.

c.                  Contain the consent of the nominated member.

v.                 Members eligible to be at an election may no sign or then one nomination for one  office.

vi.              Members nominated for election may withdraw the nomination by notice in writing delivered to the Returning Officer within such time as may be provided by the Election Officer in the Election schedule.

vii.            A vote may be cast only on the ballot paper issued by the Election Officer.

viii.         All complaints and disputes arising in relation to the conduct of elections, counting validity of votes cast, etc. shall be made in writing to the Election officer who shall give his decision thereon in writing on the spot and such decision shall be final.

ix.              After the ballot is closed, the Election Officer shall  count the votes and a  candidate who secures majority of the valid polled votes shall declared elected.

x.                 In case two or more member receive an equal number of valid votes, the winner shall be decided by draw of lots.

xi.              Election expenses shall be borne by the Association and the Election Officer shall be entitled to retain the amount received by him by way of nomination fee but such sum being retained by him shall not exceed Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) or such  other amount as the Association may fix from time to time and the amount in excess of the aforesaid sum shall be handed over by him to the Treasurer.

xii.            The non refundable nomination fee for the office of different officer bears shall  be as follows;

a.       The President                          Rs. 1000/-
b.       Senior vice President               Rs. 1000/-
c.       Vice Presidents                        Rs. 1000/-
d.       General  Secretary                             Rs. 500/-
e.       Joint Secretary                        Rs. 500/-
f.       Treasurer                                 Rs. 500/-
g.       Office Secretary                       Rs. 500/-
h        Press Secretary                        Rs.  500/-

The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects and purpose of the Association is prohibited from making any distribution to its members, whether in  money, property or in any other way, of any assets belonging to the Association. This does not prevent the payment of any remuneration of any officer, member, or employee of the Association for services actually rendered to the Association  in execution of such works as are authorized by the Association and for which expenditure or the funds has been sanctioned. Further such payment are not prohibited in case the same are being made in good faith under such welfare schemes as are adopted and approven by the Association.



(I)                            The President, General Secretary, Treasurer  shall be empowered to sanctioned Rs. 10,000/- in the interest of Association and shall later on get the sanction approved from the Executive Committee.

(II)                         The Sr. Vice President shall excise all powers of President in absence of the president.

(III)                      The Joint Secretary shall exercise the power of General Secretary in absence of the General Secretary.

Chief Patron                Sh.   Shivraj Sharma     

President                     Sh.Yashvardhan Sharma
Senier.Vic President    Sh.Chavinder Sharma
Vic  president              Sh.Balbir thakur
                                   Sh.Kanvar chauhan
General Secretary        Sh.Chaman sharma
Joint Secertary             Sh.Devender thakur
Press Secertary            Sh.Bal krishan Thakur
Cashier                        Sh.Prem Thakur
Chief Advisor              Sh. Gangaram
Advisor                        Sh. Mangatram Rtd.Inspector of police
Advisor                        Sh.Tikamram
                                    Sh. Rinku Sharma

                                    Sh. Raghubirsingh